Coin details
My Coin is by Valentinian I from the mint of Siscia
Obverse: DN VALENTINI - ANVS PF AVG – “draped and cuirassed bust right with pearl diadem”
DN = Dominus Noster “Our Lord”
PF = Pius Felix “Pious and Happy in a sense of 'blessed'”
AVG = Augustus (Emperor)
Coin Details= The drapery on the bust is secured by a large clasp on the shoulder below which we see a trace of the shoulder armor of the cuirass.
Reverse: GLORIA RO - MANORVM “Glory of the Romans” soldier holding Labarum dragging captive by hair
'Labarum' is the term for a standard bearing the Christian symbol Chi-Rho. This type is the most commonly available Roman coin that shows this symbol.
Roman emperorLatin in full Flavius Valentinianus
born 321, Cibalae, Pannonia died November 17, 375, Brigetio, Pannonia Inferior
Roman emperor from 364 to 375 who skillfully and successfully defended the frontiers of the Western Empire against Germanic invasions.
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