Coin diameter: 1.5 centimeters
Weight: 1.34 grams
Metal: Bronze
Obverse description: Face is facing to the right, neck up, wearing a wreath, headband. Constantine II, The Great.
Reverse description: Gloria Exercitus. Has 2 soldiers standing with 1 standard in between the men.
Obverse Inscription: ConstantineVS PF AVG
Obverse Inscription translation: Constantine, Pius Felix -the Emperor is known for his piety and his success (lucky also), (short for Augustus) Indicates authority over all civil matters
Reverse Inscription: Gloria Exercitus
Reverse inscription translation:
Year Issued: 307-337 AD
Die Orientation: “Coin Rotation”
Coin diameter: 1.5 centimeters
Weight: 1.34 grams
Metal: Bronze
Obverse description: Face is facing to the right, neck up, wearing a wreath, headband. Constantine II, The Great.
Reverse description: Gloria Exercitus. Has 2 soldiers standing with 1 standard in between the men.
Obverse Inscription: ConstantineVS PF AVG
Obverse Inscription translation: Constantine, Pius Felix -the Emperor is known for his piety and his success (lucky also), (short for Augustus) Indicates authority over all civil matters
Reverse Inscription: Gloria Exercitus
Reverse inscription translation:
Year Issued: 307-337 AD
Die Orientation: “Coin Rotation”
RIC, Sear Number: S-3961
Constantine II was the son of Constantine I, the eldest with his second wife, Fausta. He was born in Arles and was made Caesar before he was a year old in 316 A.D. Upon his father's death, Constantine II inherited the Western part of the empire. After quarreling with his brother Constans, he invaded his territory, only to be killed in an ambush near Aquileia. His coin often include 'IVN' in the legend, an abbreviation for junior.
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